Each June, the National Safety Council sponsors National Safety Month to help companies raise safety awareness. As a member of the National Safety Council and a company devoted to safety, we want to educate our employees on all the resources available from the National Safety Council during the month of June.
Each week carries a theme that brings attention to critical safety issues. The themes for 2011 are listed below. Click on each link to learn more about that subject:
Week 1: June 1 to 4 Summertime Safety
Week 2: June 5 to 11 Preventing Overexertion
Week 3: June 12 to 18 Teen Driving Safety
Week 4: June 19 to 25 Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls
Week 5: June 26 to 30 On the Road, Off the Phone
Summer Safety
The goal of National Safety Month is to raise a public awareness of safety. June also is an appropriate month to focus efforts on summer safety, as this season is traditionally a time of increased unintentional injuries, both on and off the job. Each Friday during June, we will post Summer Safety Tip Sheets from the National Safety Council on the Gribbins Facebook page.
To kick off National Safety Month, here is the first tip sheet: Safe Bicycling
FREE Online Standard First Aid, CPR and AED Course
Offered in conjunction with National CPR/AED Awareness Week, the course’s first aid topics include bleeding, wound care, shock, burns, serious injuries, fractures, and sprains. The four-hour course also teaches the latest method of CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator, as well as how to help a person who is choking.
Take advantage of this free course and encourage your family members and friends to sign up too! You must register by June 7, and then you will have 45 days to complete the course.
FREE Webinar: How can I keep my teen driver safe?
Register now for this free webinar from the National Safety Council.
Monday June 13, 2011
11am Central Time
Noon Eastern Time
The webinar, hosted by Deborah Trombley, Senior Program Manager for the National Safety Council, will answer such questions as: Why should parents ban teen passengers when their teen is driving? Should siblings be allowed to ride with your teen driver? What time of night is the right time for you to have your teen driver return home? They will also share what behaviors contribute to the greatest number of teen driving crashes and how parents and teens can work together to reduce crash risk.
Gribbins Insulation’s core values are: integrity, safety, quality, productivity, and innovation. We hope that you will participate in National Safety Month by reviewing the resources on the NSC website, reading the weekly summer safety tip sheets, participating in the FREE CPR course and webinar, and encouraging your friends and family to do the same. We value our employees, and we want them to “think safety” on and off the job.