CSIA August 2014 Newsletter
CSIA August 2014 President’s Message from Brian Willett:
I hope everyone is having a great summer with plenty of time to spend with family and friends. I can’t believe how quickly it has gone by with only a couple weeks left until kids start school again. As usual, my parents were right when they told me to cherish these moments. They are going by extremely fast.
On September 8th, the 6th Annual Mesothelioma Golf Outing will be held at the Griffin Gate Marriott Resort in Lexington, KY. This event hosted by the Breath of Life Foundation is for a great cause that effects many in our industry and needs our support. If you are interested, please visit the CSIA website or the updated Breath of Life website for more information. www.breathoflifefoundation.net
I hope by now you have signed up for the CSIA/ESICA Annual Fall Conference at the JW Marriott in New Orleans from Thursday, September 11th through Saturday, September 13th. This is an excellent opportunity to get away from the office and network with business associates in a great location. If you have not signed up yet for the conference, please consider attending. The conference will be most successful with the support of all members.
The association recently sent out information on the upcoming seminar for Succession Planning to be held in Perrysburg, OH on October 8th. The seminar will be conducted by nationally recognized estate and business succession planning experts. Please contact the association office for more information and to register.
Also, keep your eyes open for more information on a seminar on October 23rd discussing “Dispute Resolution Skills from the Jobsite to the Courtroom”. The seminar will be held in Dayton, OH, and open to all of our members.
As you can see our CSIA staff has been busy planning many events for our membership. Along with the opportunities to network with your peers, these events offer an excellent opportunity for continuous learning and bring added value to your membership.
I hope to see you soon on Bourbon Street!