Safety Incentive Changes
Starting January 1, 2011 Gribbins Insulation Company will begin a new safety incentive program. Previous points earned will remain the same, but from this point forward points will be awarded through participation in the safety program.
Point totals will remain the same for a total of 20 points in a quarter, but you will have to participate in programs to earn these points. There is a possibility of 12 points in a quarter for safety meetings attended. One safety meeting will equal one point. Foreman are responsible for ensuring that the meetings are conducted and documented appropriately, with each employee signing and printing their name on the back of the safety sheet. The remaining eight points can be earned though reporting injuries, near misses or other incidents within 30 minutes, submitting safety suggestions or improvements to the safety program, assisting in conducting audits, conducting at least 12 observations in a quarter, reporting hazards or being observed working safe. An additional 20 points will be awarded to employees who complete a calendar year without violating a policy or procedure.
If an employee wishes to redeem safety points they can complete the electronic order form HERE, complete a paper order form and return it to their supervisor, or they can contact Vickie Dubord, Trevor Atherton or Rick Jordan at (812) 422-3340. Employees that quit or get fired will be reduced to zero points immediately. If an employee is laid off they will have one week from that date to redeem their points or the points will be reduced to zero.
Each year at the Foreman’s Meeting a drawing will be held for a gift certificate to the winner’s store of choice, with approval from Gribbins Insulation. Tickets will be given to the employees who have met these requirements and a winner will be drawn. Employees will be eligible for the drawing by earning points each quarter. (20 points in past year – 1 name in drawing, 40 points in past year – 2 names in drawing, 60 points in past year – 3 names in drawing, 80 points in past year – 4 names in drawing) If you have violated a policy or procedure in the previous year period you will not be eligible for the drawing.
The Safety Department will be reviewing the complete policy with everyone in the coming weeks to ensure everything is understood and all questions are answered. If you have any questions or comments about OUR program, please contact Trevor Atherton at (812) 422-3340 or