Gribbins February Toolbox Talk

As backwards as it sounds, working in the cold in many ways is similar to working in the heat: you have to be prepared.  You have to be equipment with the proper tools, clothing, and eventually get accustomed to it.  Many of you do not realize you begin preparing for this the night before, and early mornings.  You gather layers of clothes, start your vehicle, and possibly prepare a warmer meal.

Here are some reminders about staying healthy, safe, and dressing for winter weather:

  • Hypothermia
    • The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. When your body drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, it is considered hypothermia.
    • Signs and symptoms of hypothermia include: Shivering, exhaustion or feelings tired, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech, and drowsiness.
      • Severe hypothermia
        • Signs and Symptoms: Shivering stops, extreme confusion, decline in consciousness, a weak/irregular pulse, slow and shallow breathing, or coma that can result in death.
      • Contact plant emergency or local emergency if employee begins to have these signs and symptoms.
  • Proper clothing
    • Wear three layers of loose-fitting clothing, which provides better insulation.
      • Inner layer: Wool, silk or synthetic material, to keep moisture away from the body.
      • Middle layer: Wool or synthetic to provide insulation if wet
      • Outer layer: Water and rain proof that is breathable, to ventilation.
    •  Wear the right gloves, with proper insulation to keep warm and prevent frostbite.
    •  Wear a hat to prevent heat from escaping through your head.
    •  Proper footwear that has adequate tread to prevent slips or trips, and waterproof to keep your feet dry.
  •  Get plenty of rest and Eat healthy
    • Performing work in the cold, and driving to/from work burns a lot of energy.
    • Eat a meal with enough calories and nutrients which provides you with the energy needed to perform your work. Start your day with a hearty breakfast.
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